PHECC Portal

PHECC Affiliated Instructors

Affiliated Instructor Documentation is avilable in the Instructor Documentation folder

Affiliated Instructors must read, sign and abide with PHECC Affiliated Instructors’ Requirements and Code of Conduct.Full procedures are provided in the Instructor Handbook.

Affiliated instructors must complete and maintain the Equipment Checklist.

Suitable venues must be selected in accordance with the Premises Selection Procedure and confirmed on the Course Notification & Pre Check Form which must be completed and sent on at least a week before course commencement.

On completion of their course, this Course Evaluation Form needs to be completed by all learners. Course Evaluation form QR Code .

On completion courses, Affiliated Instructors must complete this Trainer Report.

Course results must be submitted by email within a week of the course on the End of Course Report along with the signed Learning Agreement, attendance Sheet,  Skills Sheets and MCQs.

Instructor Trainers for Teaching Practise and Assessments need to complete the PHECC FAR CFR Assist and Delivery Evaluation Form. This must be signed and forwarded to [email protected] when the process is fully completed.

Affiliated Instructors will be monitored at least once a year using this Monitoring Report.